Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Project Wanna Be


I'm quite excited for my becoming new project..
Have to do some list for it..
Coz go many..
That's not exactly called new project..just some altering and patches..But i just like to call it 'My New Project Wanna Be'..heh.

Hope ALLAH bagi masa yang cukup untuk saya realisasikan projek saya tu..
Projek ape tu ye?
Cer teka..
Heh..nanti dah start, saya buat entry about it, okey?
I would love it much!! You? Hope you too lo..


  1. can't wait to hear from you! semoga sukses. :) and hope everything will be going as well as possible! :D

    1. @Rtp Farra Arisha: weekend hari tu dah siap 1 project..tapi xsempat update kat blog lagi..nti melor post kat entry,k..
